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First Aid


Employers must take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent injury and ill health to their employees while at work, and they must provide first aid facilities to cater for any unplanned events. 

First-aid is usually defined as the provision of immediate and temporary care to a victim of an accident, with the purpose of preventing or reducing the threat to life or health of the casualty. There is no requirement to administer medicines, or provide defibrillators or other similar paramedic emergency equipment. This means that the level of training required of first-aiders is similarly aimed at a simple level of response.

A business should have a suitable and sufficient number of first aiders to be able to provide cover for any first aid situation. Cover would be required to provide support as a first aider in the event of holidays or absence.

You should consider having first aiders in each building or location if you have multiple sites of locations. Also, bear in mind an Appointed Person is not trained to administer First Aid, they can only take control of the situation and check First Aid kits and Accident Book entry.

The Health and Safety (First-aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to ensure there are adequate and appropriate first aid facilities for their employees in the event of an injury or illness at work.

The later editions of the HSE Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) many not recommend Mental Health First Aiders be included in the needs assessment, However there is an expectation across other areas of HSE guidance that this provision be considered as part o an Employers First Aid provision.

The table above shows the recommended amount of First Aiders.

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